How to refresh a cat?

subarora Pets
4 min readMay 20, 2021


In hot weather, cats are able to regulate their body temperature without even sweating. On the other hand, the hotter it is, the more the cat will sleep. It is by limiting its physical activity that the cat will preserve itself from the harmful effects of the heat in summer. However, it is possible to improve your cat’s daily life during this period, which is not always pleasant for your cat, thanks to a few tricks.

How do I lower my cat’s body temperature?

There are many simple ways to help your cat lower its body temperature. There is no point in having your cat take a shower, as he will hate the experience. It’s better to use other methods.

A water fountain

In hot weather, it’s important to make sure your cat always has a fresh water source available. Poor hydration can lead to heat stroke. You can therefore provide a water bowl or even a water cooler that will keep the water fresh at all times for your feline companion’s comfort.

Using a cooling mat

An effective way to combat the high temperatures is to use a cooling mat. Cats that don’t like water will happily lie down on this mat to take a nap in the cool. Easy to use, the cooling mat will be your cat’s best friend all summer long.

A cooling coat

Like the cooling mat, a cooling coat is a good way to protect your cat on hot days. If your cat goes out a lot and you don’t always have an eye on him, this is a way to make sure he doesn’t get too hot and avoid the risk of heat stroke. Indirectly, this coat will also protect white or hairless cats from sunburn.

A toy that will cool him down

Another way to help your cat cool off is to use a cooling toy. Some toys are designed to be placed in the freezer after filling them with water. Your cat can then cool off while having fun.

Using a flannel

Even though cats don’t like water, running a wet flannel over her body is a good idea in the summer. Wet the mitt or a damp towel, making sure the water is not too cold to avoid thermal shock, and then slide the cloth over your cat’s body, concentrating on the paws. If your cat doesn’t like being wet at all, you can use the same damp cloth in front of a fan to cool the air in the room.

Tips to avoid heat stroke

There are many tips on how to avoid heat stroke. In the summer months, when the weather is hot, your cat may suffer from heatstroke. So it’s important to help make your cat more comfortable during this time with a few simple tips.


In summer, you shouldn’t force your cat to go outside. In hot weather, your pet needs to sleep more than normal and limit his physical activity to regulate his body temperature. You should also avoid letting your cat out between 10am and 4pm when the sun is strongest to limit sunburn and heat stroke. On the other hand, you can let him out at the end of the day and in the evening when it is less hot.

Don’t forget to brush your Cat

In hot weather, it’s important to keep brushing your cat regularly. By removing dead hairs, you will rid your cat of an excess layer of hair. This will keep your cat cooler and less hot. You can also place a bottle of cold water in his bed to cool him down.

Avoid excitement and games

During a period of high heat, you should avoid overexerting your cat. He needs plenty of rest and to limit his physical activity so that he doesn’t suffer from heat stroke. On the other hand, you can offer your cat refreshing toys that will keep her cool while she’s having fun — a good compromise for the summer!

What are the dangers of hot weather for a feline?

Just like humans, cats can suffer from heat waves. Exposure to heat can put these animals at risk and can cause breathing difficulties and a significant loss of energy.

For an old cat

Older cats are particularly affected by heat stroke. With age, cats can develop serious respiratory problems that can be exacerbated by excessive heat. If your cat is panting for too long, you should consult a veterinarian to check that it is not developing serious respiratory problems.

For a sick cat

Cats with illnesses are often more fragile and need extra attention in a heatwave. You must be all the more vigilant with these animals because their fragile health can cause serious problems which are often accentuated when it is too hot. Make sure your pet is always well hydrated and kept cool. If your pet’s condition deteriorates, take it to the vet quickly to check its condition and rehydrate it immediately in case of heat stroke.

For a kitten

Kittens are also very fragile. Their young age makes them weak in the heat. They should not be over-exercised in hot weather and should be given as much rest as possible. Kittens already need more rest than adult cats normally do. Therefore, in the event of a heatwave, they should be kept out of the sun in a cool place where they can rest and stay well hydrated.

